
Thoughts to yourself

Movement for Body and Mind

Body and Mind, this duality that escapes us, basis of ourselves, where the mind cannot exist outside the world of the bodies.
To sculpt is to be in a third dimension of reality, it is to return to a spiritual birth, when the body was only a body at the dawn of its life, to this moment when the world of sense-data(2) opens and brings out the reality as a singular case, an objective world of meaning.

Sculpting is a way of learning to see again…

What interests me, obsesses me even, in the sculptural work, is working on the inside, these suspended moments, these moments that escape us.
To fix in the mass the qualia(1, these intuitions and others subjective sensory effects that forms many of our mental states.
My approach is the search for abstract evidence, the one that will answer my questions of the present moment.
Each creation is only a series of questions offered to me by these answers made of shapes and metal.
The work is its genesis, said Klee(3)…And we are its actors.
In this third reality, punctuated by the forms, the smell of steel and this body immersed in the infra-sense(4),ready to perceive the perceived for himself.
All that remains is to accelerate the movement of everything that lives, and collect the images of matter by getting into the life of shapes and colors.
Then the work will be able to free itself from any relation of exteriority, and open up to aesthetic experiences, the glance of the world.

MPCEM./Translation from original text Benoit Bucher

(1)(subjective content of the experience of a mental state)
(2)(The theory of sense data is a view in the philosophy of perception)
(3)(Paul Klee 1879-1940, german painter)
(4)(See: Phenomenology, the philosophical study of the structures of experience and consciousness)

From my life experience, three convictions remain today: The conviction of always be at the beginning, the conviction that I must absolutely continue and the conviction that I will be interrupted before I have finished.

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935).